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Working On A Macbeth Character Analysis Essay: Writing Techniques For Students

This essay sample is presented by ThesisHelpers.

Macbeth is a very important character in the literature to discuss and analyze. Students can easily relate to the character because they see such cases in everyday life.

In the beginning of the story, he is presented as an evil character and this is where the reader will form an opinion for the rest of the story. The introduction is supposed to introduce and present all the characters, scenarios, and roles in a story. This is where the reader will develop an image for the character that will stay with him for the rest of the story.

It is important to notice the order of events and the circumstances described by the writer. They contribute a lot in analyzing a character. You cannot consider a character without the plot of the story he or she exists in. You need to have that plot, circumstances, and other factors in your mind when you state a character as evil or good.

The king talks about Macbeth and uses the words like “valour’s minion” and brave for him. This at first means, Macbeth might be a good character because he is brave. He is also known as the Bridegroom of the Greek goddess of war. This might as well sound like a compliment. However, if you read the sentences carefully you will find an element of violence and no mercy in Macbeth. Here we understand that Macbeth is cruel and warlike and does not have much mercy in his heart.

We need to consider the Macbeth we knew before meeting the witches and in their early conversations. He liked to be the future king however; he was not ready to betray his king. The attitude changed when the witches talked him into it and he became greedy.

We also need to consider the influence of his wife on Macbeth. He did not change merely because he was greedy for power, but also, the role of his wife. Macbeth was not ready to kill Duncan and listen to the witches at first. However when Lady Macbeth heard of the plan, she said it was the spirits that wanted them to gain power and she pushed him to it.

You need to be very careful when you write the character analysis and keep everything in mind while writing the essay. Do not jump to a conclusion before hand and proceed you essay gradually.

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